Monday, April 14, 2008

General Conference

General conference is great every spring and fall, but this conference seemed especially uplifting. It was such a neat experience to participate in the solemn assembly during the Saturday morning session. Even though I was alone in my apartment eating my bowl of captain crunch, and trying to figure out what was going on, I made a point to stand when it was my turn. And there, alone in the apartment, I felt the spirit touch my heart and testify that President Monson is indeed called of God to be the new Prophet. This feeling was only further intensified in listening to him speak and recognizing as Elder Holland stated, the mantle fall upon his shoulders. He was still the same amiable, storing telling, ear-wiggling guy he has always been, but there was definitely a feeling of humility, a new responsibility, and a new power in his words that I previously didn't recognize. The talks were great, but receiving a witness that there is still a prophet on the earth today, and recognizing that God does indeed still speak, made the 178th annual general conference especially meaningful for me.

1 comment:

Deb Lamb said...

I am going on-line to watch General Conference. We missed the first part of Saturday's session because we didn't get back from Trier in time. Then I fell asleep because it is soooo late here when it is on! I loved reading about your experience.