Thursday, March 13, 2008

Police Beat

I rarely read the daily universe, but I can never seem to pass up reading the "police beat"on Thursdays. I just wanted to share some of the great scandal that happens right here in happy valley.
March 7th A suspicious male was seen walking a dog near Wymount. When police responded neither the man nor the dog was present.

March 10th Residents of Wymount called BYU police when they noticed a suspicious male in their commons area. None of the residents recognized the man, who had been sitting and watching children play for an hour. When an officer responded they discovered that the man was watching his sister's children while she was out of the house and had taken them to the playground. His story checked out.

I chose these because these seem to be in the paper every single week. Some guy is just leisurely walking his dog enjoying the nice weather, or even better, taking care of his sister's children and someone freaks out and calls the police! Is it because they have a little bit of a beard? It seems to me that people should be more open and go and talk to the guy watching the children or the guy walking the dog before they just call the police on them, at least for situations like this where they really aren't doing anything "suspicious" at all. It just blows me away how many calls the Provo police get to go check out suspicious people. I hate to break it to you, but just because someone doesn't look exactly like everyone else on BYU campus doesn't make them suspicious.

1 comment:

Deb Lamb said...

Trust me when I say that it's definitely the DOG you should be suspicious about. I've got some experience on this one! Just look at the dog in your picture--he's taken someone's water bottle! They just can't be trusted.